• Strong and meaningful connections with others hinges upon the words we choose in conversations. Whether a friend, colleague, family member, significant other or even a stranger, how you respond and react effects your relationship. In this course, you'll explore specific word choices for connecting with others. Each module in this course contains a video lesson and a worksheet. There are 6 modules: 1. Polarity with Words 2. What is Said vs What is Heard 3. Silence and Active Listening 4. Habitual Words 5. Words for Loss and Grief 6. Words of Inclusion/Exclusion and Judgement Take this course at your leisure online or through our Thriving Leader Collaborative App.
  • Strong and meaningful connections with others hinges upon the words we choose in conversations. Whether a friend, colleague, family member, significant other or even a stranger, how you respond and react effects your relationship. In this course, you'll explore specific word choices for connecting with others. Each module in this course contains a video lesson and a worksheet. There are 6 modules: 1. Words of Racism and Microaggressions 2. Words of Ageism and Sexism 3. Gender Identity Language 4. Words for Those on an Alcohol or Substance Abuse Journey 5. The Ownership of Conflict 6. Angry Words Serve No Purpose Take this course at your leisure online or through our Thriving Leader Collaborative App.
  • What does it take to lead yourself well? What does it feel like when you are? In this micro-learning course, learn how to abandon neural pathways that no longer serve you and create new ones that do! Discover a new perspective on balancing competing demands proactively. You will receive a tool for reframing challenges in a manner that supports your growth and self-awareness. We believe leading oneself includes:
    • Creating and nurturing an internal narrative that serves you well – that does not diminish or limit.
    • A healthy amount of self-awareness that informs potential blind spots and limiting beliefs.
    • Practices that bring you back to your center and enable you to maintain presence whenever needed.
    • The ability to prioritize well and focus, align and single-task.
    • Knowing and honoring your strengths while seeking growth opportunities that serve your evolution.
    Sign up for a video lesson, reframing worksheets and sample prompts.
  • The words you choose at work have great impact. Whether spoken or written, we need strong communication to get things done. We've likely all experienced moments of miscommunication and the effect it had on a relationship or project. After this course, you'll lead confidently with purpose and passion. Each module in this course contains a video lesson and a worksheet. There are 6 modules: 1. Messaging that Supports Organizational Values 2. Recognition that Thrills 3. Words of Clarity and In Service to Others 4. Words that Undermine and Limit an Organization, Team or Individual 5. Words to Influence and Inspire 6. Your Voice in Email, Text and Notes
  • Communication is built upon words we choose for ourselves. You choose the narrative playing in your head. Learn to replace limiting words with those that are uplifting and supportive. Ensure your words represent your intention and your values. Each lesson includes learning objectives, a 12-20 min video, an activity to crystalize your learning, and a journal prompt. Lessons included in this course:
    1. Aligning Words with Values
    2. Emotional Intelligence Informs Word Choices
    3. Your Voice is a Choice
    4. Words that Trigger and Limit
    5. Nature/Nurture and Negative Biases
    6. Words that Spark Dialog and Withhold Judgement
    Take this course at your leisure online or through our Thriving Leader Collaborative App!
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  • Speak your truth. Maximize the power of your voice and deepen your connection with loved ones, colleagues, customers, and those who are unlike you. The stories, reflections, and activities in this book empower you to choose words true to your values and your intentions. The Words We Choose: Your Guide to How and Why Words Matter transforms what you think in your head to align with how you feel in your heart, for the greater good of all. Your voice is a choice.


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